“For Caterpillar, Prince Concepts challenged architect, Ishtiaq Rafiuddin, to create an 8 unit project within one massive hut. Enter the Caterpillar; we used the Quonset hut as a 9,000 sf sculpture with 6 residences and 2 Live/Work spaces that anchors a public park where people can soak up the majesty of a new age monument.” - Prince Concepts, Developer and Property Manager
We worked with Prince Concepts to develop an identity system for the Caterpillar project. We had a collection of plans, renderings, models and inspiration to pull from. We were ultimately most inspired by the ribbing within the Quonset hut structure. This served as a starting point for the custom typography. We established custom letterforms for the Caterpillar logo wordmark as well as a full set of numerals. To further enhance the “caterpillar” theme across various applications, we introduced dynamic motion elements. These elements were strategically integrated, serving as a subtle yet impactful nod to the inherent characteristics of a caterpillar.
Photography: Prince Concepts and Chris Miele